Whole school

Christmas 2-D Shape Pictures to cut out and make
The children have to cut out each 2-D Shape and arrange them to create a Santa and a Christmas Tree. The children are also given an extension question which asks if they can name all of the shapes. This is ideal for encouraging partner talk.
This can be used to create the children's Christmas Cards too! They could add a beard and baubles etc.
Will save lots of time!

Festivals / Celebrations Six weeks Medium Term Planning for Reception
This is a six weeks medium term plan for Festivals / Celebrations Autumn 2 Term. This can be edited and will help many teachers out with what activities / teaching / assessment bands to focus upon this term. I wrote it all myself and was specific for my school and the books we were covering were also specifically chosen for this topic.

Topic Web for Transport Topic - Reception / Nursery
This is a Topic Web that generates lots of different possible activities for Nursery /Reception teachers to deliver / cover on the Topic Transport.

Medium Term Plan - Year 1 - Exploration
This is a medium term plan on the topic of exploration. Six weeks LO'S.
Science - Animals including humans
HISTORY -events beyond living memory
Extended writing - diaries
RE - Sharing
Geography- physical geography of the world

Topic Web for Nursery/Reception Festivals / Celebrations
This is a topic web for Nursery / Reception which includes lots of activities / tasks for teachers to use and follow. These activities were then filtered and applied to the six weeks planning which is also uploaded.

Six Weeks Planning for Reception - Topic - Transport Spring 1
This is a six weeks medium term plan for Reception on the topic Transport. This will help other teachers to have an overview on what to plan / teach and assess using the developmental bands. The developmental bands chosen for this term are progressive from my other six weeks plan on Festivals /Celebrations. The core story books were specifically chosen for my school but these can be changed and adapted.

Triangle Assessment Template
Great for assessing children in EYFS or KS1.
Write the child's name and whatever your assessing e.g naming shapes. If they are confident then draw a full triangle, if they are not quite there draw half a triangle and a comment if necessary and if they are just beginning the draw a '/' and make a comment.

Topic Web for Rocks and the Stone Age Year 3
Although some of the subjects I teach may follow different schemes of work, this may help you to find some learning objectives for Year three particularly in History and Art.
The these are;
Music - classical music
Re - How did belief in God affect the actions of people in the Old Testament
Art - Cave paintings
Extended Writing - biographies
French - numbers, games, days of week
Science - rocks
PE - Games - tag rugby
P - Physical Activity - PSHE - Understanding our bodies
ICT - Rising Stars

Page of hearts for inside of leaving cards, scrap books etc
This is a page of hearts for inside of leaving cards, scrap books or Art activities for the chn to write on and cut out.

This is a medium term plan for the topic night time. This is a six weeks plan. the books covered are;
Owl Babies
One ted falls out of bed
Whatever Next
You can edit this template to suit your own school and even change the books.
This will save loads of time when decided what to do over the full term.

Medium Term Planning on Growing Year One
This is a topic web for Year one. The topic for spring 2 is growing. I hope it is helpful and saves you time!

Science - identifying, naming and grouping animals
This is a science worksheet for Year 1. First they have to stick a picture in a box and then name the animals. Next they have to decide which group the animal belongs to (bird, fish, reptile, mammal, amphibian etc). Once they have done that they have to write a feature of that animal group to say why they think it is a bird, reptile, amphibian, mammal etc.
LO and success criteria are in a box at the top of the page ready for the teacher to mark.
This will save loads of time! Enjoy.

Indoor Provision Plan Template EYFS
This is a very straight forward indoor provision plan template for EYFS which will show progression throughout the week.

This is a six week Medium term plan for EYFS. It actually covers about 8 weeks! The topic is Traditional Tales and so the books covered are; Jack and the beanstalk, Goldilocks and the three bears, three billy goats gruff and then the last two weeks the children can choose their own!
This topic was covered in Summer 2 and so it focuses upon the EARLY LEARNIGN GOALS.
I Hope it helps x

Six weeks Medium Term Plan on the Farm - Reception
This is a six weeks medium term plan for the topic of The Farm, which covers all the areas of the EYFS.
This can be edited and will help many teachers out with what activities / teaching / assessment bands to focus upon this term (this was written in April so the children are achieving ELG's by this point). I wrote it all myself and was specific for my school and the books we were covering were also specifically chosen for this topic.
The book covered are; Chicken Liken, Pig in the Pond and Farmer Duck.
RE is also on here all planned - the church as a special place
I hope this helps!

Traffic Light posters which can be displayed or used as a decision making tool
This is great to use in a PSHE lesson or as a display poster to have beside your board in the classroom to help the children remember to 'STOP' 'DECIDE' and 'GO' when making decisions and choices!

Christmas Homework - writing Christmas words for each letter of the alphabet
Hopefully this homework / activity sheet will save you time!

Medium Term Planning Topic Web Year 1 - Clothes
The topic web includes Learning objectives on;
Extended writing - Writing instructions
PSHE - Empathy training
RE - Jesus growing up
PE - Gym
DT - making tabbed outfits or a teddy
Art and Design - weaving
History - clothes present and past
Science - everyday materials